Saturday, February 21, 2009

Concept Art

So, if one does art, how does one get noticed?

It's all about getting out there right? Putting your art out for the world to see, and for someone to find. That's the ultimate goal, being found. Someone out there in the great wide world is looking for some image to use, for someone to hire, and we have to wave big flags and say "Here I am!"

Through my seemingly endless journey through the interent, I have seen many sites that are for the sole purpose of showing art off. The one I find myself going to most is deviantArt, though I find it to be more of a place to socialize then to be employed. That's the problem with a lot of sites of this nature, it seems that no serious employers frequent them. In all honesty I can understand why, but that doesn't solve the problem does it? How do we know if what we're posting will be seen?

One website that has thoroughly impressed me in its professional nature is The website itself is essentially a huge forum. A place where artists go to seriously discuss art, and its a place to be noticed. Though the intent of the website seems fairly limited to artists who hope to become concept artists, any type of artist can join. The site itself is used mainly for displaying finished art, displaying unfinished art, and showing the pages of your sketchbook for people to see and give you feedback for.

ConceptArt has a huge advantage in the sense that the main users of the site are people already in the business. Also if you actually follow the site and are active there, a lot can be learned.

I've got an account, how about you?

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Auditorium Plug

Exploring the internet is a past time of mine. There are days when all I do is link hop from one site to another, and hope to stumble upon something cool. Thankfully, I had a successful journey.

Games on the internet are the saving grace for a bored person on the edge of losing their sanity. Almost everyone has a favorite game site too (mine is LazyLaces), and they trust their game site to give them new exciting games on a regular basis. Though this is not always true, we can dream. In my never ending search for new games, I found a potential holy grail of games: Auditorium.

Auditorium is a music puzzle game that both pleases the ears and the eyes. You are given streams of color that you can manipulate with icons the level gives you. When the color passes over the target area, music plays. It truly is an awesome experience, and the best way to understand what I mean is to go give it a shot.

Happy Playing~

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

And so the madness begins....

I declare this blog officially open~!

This blog will be for art created by yours truly, and also for general art/media discussion. Also, this blog will be for my Art213 class, therefore there will be school related information here. Not to say its boring informatoin or anything, quite the contrary actually.

This will NOT be for my life. If you want to know more about that, then I wonder about the amount of extra time you have...