Monday, May 24, 2010

Macabre in Color, 3

So, end of day three. Here's where I was. @_@ So much left to do still.

But the good news is that I finished them. :D Now for the crappy cellphone picture of them. Well, they're all crappy cell phone pictures. These are even worse! *camerafail*

I'll be getting some better images soon. Once I kidnap a camera - wielding person...

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Macabre in Color, 2

Ah, after 5 hours of painting. @_@ I have other work I need to do so this is all I can get done today. Looks like I need to pull an all-nighter tomorrow to get this done. D: Here are two WIP shots for each painting. The top one is further along, because I started it first. So much work to do still.

Here's a shot of my studio space. Its part of a larger room that I share with 8 other people. This is my little section. As you can see, its messy. Surprise. :P

Friday, May 21, 2010

Macabre in Color, 1

After all that test work, those sketch paintings, and thumbnails, I can finally start. Here's where I am now:

My iced tea is there for size comparison. They're 3' by 4' canvases. I hand made the stretchers, and pulled the canvas myself. Considering my small stature, it was interesting. There's some blood hiding beneath that gesso...^^;

So this is how I start my paintings, a light charcoal sketch done with vine charcoal. That way I can plan out what I want without affecting the canvas too much, and without getting things mixed into the paint. D: I decided to keep the basic composition of the indoor scene, but make an outdoor setting. It'll be fun. Yes I know my sketches are nigh-incomprehensible.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Painting Sketches~

Here are the final set of sketches for my painting final. I solidified the color palettes for myself, but am still flipfloping on the background. I need to figure that out today.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Figure Paintings

Yea. Just some figure paintings done for class. I'll take better pictures tomorrow. When I say I though, I really mean my friend who actually has a camera.

Remember that sketch of the creepy woman in a dress? Yea, here are the color palette tests for the final paintings~

Monday, May 10, 2010

More WIP on Tahmir~

Ah so I'm still working on that character portrait. Here's where most of the work has been poured into. Still a lot left to do, such as finish up his figure, fix the lighting...and that chair.

This guy was my character. A sneaky bastard named Tahmir. You'll get more about him later. :D He's part of the Hellfire Cult, or the so-called 'Evil Group' for the game. Oh such irony....

On an unrelated note, a sketch for a painting I'll be doing this week. :D

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

XMen/Mutants and Masterminds FanComic of Doom!

Hokay so this is pretty obvious but the daily self portrait thing kinda (really) crashed and burned. I have my reasons, I already ranted about them on